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Legal Support
& Accompaniment
Our Legal Services
La Casita Center provides many different legal services to families and individuals who need help. We rely on the community, our partners, and our volunteers to be able to provide these services. If we cannot help with a certain situation - we try to guide and accompany the people to the right resource.
Please contact us if you are able to provide or help with any of the programs we have!
Free Legal Clinic
Connecting families with attorneys and legal professionals.
Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. | By appointment only
Partnerships with Latinx Consulates
Mexican Consulate
Visit the consulate webpage for more information. Consulate visits will be announced through our events page and on our social media and newsletters!
Guatemalan Consulate
Visit the consulate webpage for more information. Consulate visits will be announced through our events page and on our social media and newsletters!